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Functional Wings

Finance and Accounts Wing

PSIEC is a profit making and dividend paying private limited company. The Accounts and Finance Wing is headed by CGM(F&A), Sr. DGM (F&A), Consultant (F&A), Consultant (Accounts) and is assisted by four Managers.

The equity base of the Company as on 31.03.2021 is Rs.50.01 Crore. The accounts of the Corporation have been finalized upto the year 2019-20. Funds of the Corporation are being managed effectively and reviewed periodically by the Accounts and Finance Wing.

Activities of Accounts and Finance Wings:
  • Funds Management.
  • To prepare and monitor Budget of the Corporation.
  • To prepare the final accounts of the Corporation.
  • To pass and disburse the salary of the employees.
  • To deposit all taxes and filing of the return.
  • To co-ordinate with Internal Audit, Statutory Audit and AG Auditor.
The Corporation’s achievements in respect of past five years are as under:-
Year Turnover Profit/Loss
(Rupees in lacs)
2016-2017 24042.47 (+)  3389.87
2017-2018 15332.65 (+)  2040.10
2018-2019 24490.81 (+)  4879.08
2019-2020 26712.88 (+)  10177.38
2020-2021(Un-Audited) 13459.53 (+)  3948.08


The EPF Section primarily deals with Monthly submission of EPF contribution deducted by Salary Section through Electronic chalan to the o/o RPFC. Further, it also deals with the cases of claims (EPF Pension/Advance/Full and final settlement), submitted online as well as offline by concerned members. It also provides help/guidance to the members in filing online E-nomination.

Raw Material

PSIEC is acting as consignment cum handling agent of Steel Authority of India (SAIL) at Ludhiana annd Mandi Gobindgarh since 1975.

Procurement & Distribution of Iron & Steel material through network of depots at Ludhiana, Jalandhar, Amritsar, Batala & Mohali to the small/tiny units at competitive rates.

PSIEC is the state nominated agency for distribution of coal to the Brick klins & Industrial Units under the National Coal Policy 2016 having annual capacity upto 10,000 meteric tonnes.

Year Turnover Profit/Loss
(Rupees in Cr.)
2015-2016 404.36 (+)  72.80
2016-2017 240.42 (+)  33.90
2017-2018 153.33 (+)  20.40
2018-2019 244.90 (+)  48.79
2019-2020 267.13 (+)  101.77
2020-2021(Un-Audited) 134.59 (+)  39.48

Wing Introduction

PSIEC is a Nodal Agency of Punjab Government for promotion of exports, bridging the State Government & Central Government for implementation of various schemes of Central Government for growth of Exports from the State. As such, it coordinates participation in IITF, New Delhi every year on behalf of Punjab Government, sponsoring delegations of manufacturers/ exporters of Punjab to various countries etc. It also takes up the project of international organizations like Commonwealth secretariat, London. The Corporation is declared as a Nodal Agency on behalf of Govt. of Punjab for implementing ASIDE schemes now discontinued of Govt. of India.

Vide orders No. Comm./Export Cell/2021/ 3466-B Dated. 04.08.21 Director of Industries & Commerce, Punjab has been designated as Export Commissioner, Punjab. Vide order No./2021/4847-A Dated 09.11.21, Export cell has been constituted for performing followings functions:-

  • Implementation of Export Analysis & Export Vision 2021-26.
  • Facilitating the visit of delegations of manufacturers/exporters from the state of Punjab to overseas countries under the scheme of Ministry of MSME namely International Co-operation scheme.
  • Implementation of Central Government Schemes namely “Trade infrastructure for Export Scheme (TIES) & any new export related scheme, notifies by GoI from time to time.
  • Ensuring the State participation in the India International Trade Fair (IITF), New Delhi and other such trade fair.
  • Monitoring the progress of the Apparel Park set up under Scheme for Integrated Textile Park (SITP).


India International Trade Fair-2021, New Delhi:

  • On behalf of the Government of Punjab, PSIEC coordinated the State participation in India International Trade Fair every year from 14th to 27th November at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi.
  • For the year 2021, PSIEC coordinated the State participation in 40th edition of IITF held from 14-27 November.


  • PITEX Fair was held from 02-06 December-2021 at Amritsar, duly organized by PHD CII.
  • PSIEC made a contribution of Rs. 4 Lakhs and participated through its Emporia Wing in the trade fair.

Introduction of Emporia Section

PSIEC is the nodal agency for the promotion of Punjab handicrafts. Corporation is actively involved in availing and utilizing the funds received under various schemes of Development Commissioner, Handicrafts, Govt. of India. These funds are utilized for the training of craftsperson, organizing exhibitions, crafts bazaar and fairs in different parts of India to popularize the art and culture of Punjab.

Corporation is also running a chain of five emporiums under the name of “Phulkari” at Chandigarh, Patiala, Amritsar, Delhi and Kolkata with the objective to promote the interest of small scale units and craftsmen by selling their products through this network. For the upliftment of weaker sections of the society, the corporation has set up Crafts Development Centre at Hoshiarpur for the procurement, development and marketing of lacquer and inlay crafts.

Statement showing the Sale, Profit (+) and Loss (-) of Emporiums for the last 3 years.

Name of Emporium 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 (upto Jan. 2022)
Sale Profit/Loss Sale Profit/Loss Sale Profit/Loss
Chandigarh 335.64 62.20 62.06 -6.72 116.37 +0.70
Amritsar 72.12 -8.35 75.57 -13.75 75.15 -13.08
Patiala 49.99 -9.42 4.95 -8.82 19.58 -7.77
Delhi 133.31 7.39 13.60 -18.29 36.46 -14.31
Kolkata 133.37 6.36 26.84 -16.96 36.19 -2.95
Total 724.43 58.18 183.02 -64.54 283.75 -37.41
(Rs. In Lacs)

Estate Wing of PSIEC is responsible for providing Estate Management Services, both pre-allotment and post-allotment, for all Industrial, Commercial and Residential plots located in Industrial Focal Points developed by PSIEC.

Activities of Estate Wing:

1. Pre-Allotment:

Estate Wing performs functions related to allotment of plots in Industrial Focal Points. Estate Wing executes decisions taken by the allotment committee, both under the On-Going Scheme and the General Scheme of the Govt. of Punjab concerning allotment of plots in IFPs developed by PSIEC. It involves land bank management, advertising vacant plots, co-ordination with the administrative department for arranging interviews of applicants, conduct of draw (if required) and issuance of allotment letter/ Letter of Intent.

2. Post-Allotment:

PSIEC offers a wide range of post-allotment services for its allottees in pursuit of implementing their projects in IFPs. The following post-allotment services are offered, which are covered under the Right To Service Act, 2013 of the Govt. of Punjab:

  • Mortgage 1st Charge
  • Registration of Lease/ Conveyance Deed
  • Conversion from Lease to Freehold
  • Extension in time period for possession
  • Issuance of No Due Certificate
  • Transfer of Industrial plot through original allottee
  • Transfer of Industrial Plot through GPA
  • Transfer of plot within family/blood relation
  • NOC/ Permission to sale in industrial plot
  • Issuance of duplicate title documents

Planning Wing

There are 50 Industrial Focal Points which have been developed by PSIEC in order to facilitate the Industrial Growth in the State of Punjab. Planning wing of PSIEC is engaged in the acquisition / procurement of land for development of industrial focal points in the state of Punjab. This wing undertakes various matters like identification / selection of site for setting up of IFP and formulation of land acquisition proposals. Apart from this, planning wing also deals with planning of IFPs, approval of layout plan / zoning plan of various industrial focal points, approval of building plans of industrial plots falling in the IFPs developed by PSIEC.


Personnel Section deals with the establishment of the employees working in the Corporation. All the service matters of employee related to recruitment, posting, transfer, annual increment, promotion, ACP benefits, maintenance of Service Books and retirement cases of the employees posted in field offices & Head Office are dealt in the Personnel Section.

Formation and Vision

Personnel Section aims to disseminate the best services by dealing with service matters of the employees efficiently and is doing efforts to digitize its services through implementation of various module of iHRMS in the Corporation.

Coordination Section

  • PR/Prov. Section:- The section deals with vehicles of the corporation, hired vehicles, Advertisements to be published (tender notice, public notices, e-auction etc.), Telephones/intercoms of the corporation, Photostat machines, Allocation of office cabins etc.
  • Store Section:- The section deals with purchase of stationary and furniture items, Printing office material and other miscellaneous items as per the request of officers and requirement of corporation.

Wing Introduction

Department has been rolling out various IT initiatives in line with the vision of Digital India and its pillars. IT team acts as a bridge to all the siblings of the wider corporation, extending from the headquarters to the branch offices. With the responsibility of bringing the work of the corporation in line with the future goals. A specialized cadre of IT professionals has been created and put in place in the department to facilitate planning, designing, implementing and managing a wide range of IT initiatives at department/ organization levels. In view of above the role of IT-section in the organization is very important and necessary for smooth functioning of the organization.

IT Section is responsible for providing following in PSIEC:

  • Maintenance of PSIEC official website:
  • IT departments have been taking on a greater role in the technical side of PSIEC communication which includes conference calls, and video and web conferences
  • Entail repairing hardware that has become faulty
  • Renew licenses and other legal documents
  • Monitor ongoing contracts with suppliers
  • Assist in backup and recovery of digital assets
  • Serve as a consultant to department heads and staff
  • Maintain company internal network (intranet)
  • Write documentation to help users operate new programs (FAQ)


Engineering wing of PSIEC is engaged in the development of focal points including acquisition of land, construction of roads, providing sewerage, electrical and horticulture facilities. This wing also undertakes construction of buildings on deposit work basis in the State of Punjab on behalf of Government/Semi-Govt. enterprises. This wing also provides Sewerage Treatment Plants and Effluent Treatment Plants at the focal points on need basis. After completing the development, the plots of different sizes are carved out and transferred to Estate wing of the Corporation for allotment to the industry. The maintenance of the focal points is carried out by the Engineering wing till the focal point is transferred to the Municipal Corporation.

Activities of the Wing:

A. Development of Focal Points: –

PSIEC is the Nodal Agency of the State Government for the development of the Industrial Focal Points/Areas for the purpose of carrying out the industrial activities. The Corporation has so far developed 45 No. Industrial Focal Points.

B. Deposit Works: –

The Corporation also undertakes deposit works for construction of buildings on behalf of other departments, prominently among them are as under:

  • Udyog Bhawan, Chandigarh
  • Mahatma Gandhi State Institute of Public Administration (MGSIPA)
  • ESI hospitals at Chandigarh, Mohali and in State of Punjab.
  • Director, Technical Education building in Chandigarh
  • Forest Complex, Mohali
  • CIPET building, Amritsar
  • Bus Stands at Nangal, Pathankot, Nawanshehar, Jalandhar and Hoshiarpur

Apart from these buildings, the Corporation has also undertaken the construction of following ITIs of Technical Education department, Punjab:

  • ITI, Maloud
  • ITI, Singhpura
  • ITI, Manakpur Shariff
  • ITI, Adampur

C. Infra Wing: –

The Infra wing is the nodal wing of PSIEC which is liasioning with various Ministries/Departments of GoI as well as State Govt. for availing grants under various schemes. Infra wing contributed for the final approvals and releasing of grants of 17 projects with total project cost of Rs. 146.44 Cr. (approx.) under MSE-CDP scheme of Ministry of Micro Small & Medium Enterprises, GoI and also two projects for approval and releasing of grants of 02 projects under TIE scheme of Ministry of Commerce & Industries, GoI. Simultaneously liasioning is also being done for exploring possibilities for availing grants for upgradation/development purposes. Infra wing also contributed for the notification of Special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs) in 26 IFPs of Punjab