PSIEC Ltd. has been acting as a Catalyst & springboard for all round development and promotion of industries in Punjab through the development of Industrial infrastructure, namely Industrial Focal Points(IFP) ranging between 50 acres to 500 acres of land at various towns and cities of Punjab. Therefore to facilitate the spirit of industry, PSIEC Ltd. provides self sufficient industrial focal points.

Estate Management System (EMS) is a web based system developed by PSIEC which provides all post-allotment services online for Industrial. Through EMS allottees can apply various post allotment services online, check status of dues and make payment along with services of water/sewerage E-payment of Bill. Read More >>

GIS is geographic information system is a type of database containing geographic data, combined with software tools for managing, analyzing and visualizing those data. GIS expands our ability to depict where things occur and help. Read More >>

Allotment of industrial plots is made through the mode of e-auction in accordance with the policy notified by the Govt. on 31.01.2019. PSIEC has ventured into e-auction of residential plots in 14 Focal Points. Allotment of commercial sites/chunks has also offered through the mode of e-auction. Read More >>
Estate Management System
What’s New
Notice:Carrying out handling work at SAIL Stockyard, Mandi-gobindgarh : At Plot No. A-lC, IFP, Mandigobidngarh
Auction Notice: Dismantling of wood seasoning plant, garage & store and remoal of debris/salvage of dismantled material at craft development centre Hoshiarpur
Last Date: 31-05-2022 Notice for filling Online Annual Property for Group A and Group B employees on iHRMS portal
Tender Notice for the work of Removal of wild growth, bushes, congress grass etc. on berms, painting of kerbs & installation of display boards for face-lifting of area of IFP, Phase VIII A & B, Mohali.
Tender Notice for the work of Shifting of Existing Sewerage pipeline from Plot No.B-13 to road berm at IGC Bathinda (5.24 Lakh)
Tender Notice for the work of Supply and Erection of Solar Blinkers at IFP Sangrur. (Estimated Cost Rs. 5,44,000/-).2. Supply and Erection of Solar Blinkers at IFP (Old) Nabha (Estimated Cost Rs.6,80,000/-)

Vision of PSIEC
To create world class industrial infrastructure promoting entrepreneurship encouraging all round economic prosperity in the Sate. To promote handicrafts and local arts to showcase the culture of Punjab in the world. To ensure smooth and affordable supply of critical inputs to the industry of Punjab and build competitive advantage.